EMATCH (Emergency Medicine Applicant Tool of Common Hang-Up's) is designed to help applicants in Emergency Medicine (EM) identify characteristics that might put them at risk for not matching, and need a specific strategy to improve their likelihood of matching in EM. An EM advisor actively involved in a residency program is your best resource to review your application and develop an application strategy specific to your needs. The EMATCH tool is not intended to replace an EM advisor, but can be a starting point for applicants. Throughout EMATCH are links to data driven, consensus developed advising to help you understand risks and begin the process of ameliorating them.

Risk characteristics are divided into minor and major risks. Minor risks are usually easily overcome with an application strategy and pose little risk. Major risks can be harder to overcome but with the right strategy can still culminate in a match in EM. The more at risk factors you have, the harder it may be to match in EM. AAMC and NRMP data were used to develop this tool and are an additional resource at your disposal to improve your match. If you do not have any of these factors you will likely match in EM and can focus on the right programs to fit your needs.

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