Dear Patient,

If you are a newly-diagnosed prostate cancer patient, we would like you to be part of an important research study. This study is being done to help us better understand the health outcomes of patients like you.

Prostate cancer has many available treatment options, each with a variety of potential benefits and harms. Doctors cannot recommend a single management approach for all individuals; rather, decisions about the management of prostate cancer are dependent on the preferences and values of each individual patient.

To improve the quality of care of prostate cancer patients, we need more information about the factors that are important to patients as they decide what treatments are best for them. We believe this kind of information can help your doctors understand your needs and take better care of you.

For this reason, we are asking patients like you to fill out a questionnaire that will take about 20 minutes of your time. The questionnaire will ask you about your overall health and well-being, your treatment decisions, and various beliefs and attitudes that might influence those decisions. It will also ask about your experiences with your medical care. We will ask you to fill out this questionnaire now, and a shorter questionnaire at later times in the future, as long as you are willing.

We believe this study will help improve the care of patients in the future, although at this time there are no direct benefits to you or your family. The risks of participating in the study are also very small, and we will take steps to minimize these risks. Some people do not like to discuss their feelings and opinions. You are therefore free to skip any questions you are not comfortable with. Some people are also concerned about privacy and confidentiality of a survey like this. We therefore take the following steps to ensure that your answers will be confidential:

· Your name will not be used on the answers you give us

· The information will not be shared with the doctors or staff who treat you

· The information will be entered into a secure database (along with information from other patients taking part in the study)

· Only the study researchers will be able to see the information

Being part of the study is voluntary—you are free not to take part in it. You may also leave the study at any time. Leaving the study will not result in any penalty or loss of any benefits.

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